How to get here
Contact us if you have any questions or require more information about the hotel and its facilities. We will be delighted to answer your questions through our form, or call us, write to us through our social networks or directly using our email address.
Calle N-340 Km 1059
43530 Tarragona, Alcanar, Spain
Reception opening hours
from Monday to Sunday
24 hours
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.54598516852843
Longitude: 0.5094381275867029
If you want to book a private transfer service, we can help you to manage the booking. Do not hesitate to contact us and we will recommend you the best private transfer companies.
The only way to reach from any point is by car, as it is located between Vinaròs and Les Cases de Alcanar following the national road 340. So that you don't have to worry about the safety of your vehicle, we have a car park for the exclusive use of our guests.
Tancat de Codorniu